
Lucasfilm has encouraged the practice of fan-edits, but has stated they will take action when they believe copyright infringement has taken place. 
I will not be uploading the films for illegal download. No profit will be made off these projects. In order to watch these fan-edits, you must legally own their original films.

Star Wars: Renascent is a fan-edit telling the
story of Luke and Anakin Skywalker,
simultaneously. The films (three films of
about three hours in length) will mainly
follow the storyline of the Original
Trilogy and will have flashbacks to the
Prequel Trilogy. It will feature new scenes,
altered story lines, and will also feature
some new music, which is why it's a rebirth
or a Renascence. This project was first
started by TJ and InfoDroid from and it is being edited
off of the DVD release of the Prequel Trilogy 
and Adywan's edits of the Original Trilogy.

The Clone Wars Narration